
cover crop中文是什么意思

  • 护田[肥田]的农作物,覆盖作物。



  • 例句与用法
  • Effects of former stubble winter cover crop on microbial characteristics in paddy soil
  • We have also planted a permanent native cover crop between vineyard rows along with our traditional cover crop blends
  • General aviation covers crop dusters , corporate jets , single - engine training aircraft and cargo aircraft , among other things
  • Description : alfa - alfa integrated in the no - till system . as the crop remains in place during 3 - 4 years , various cover crops are intercropped o keep enough residue cover . epagri
    免耕种植的紫花苜蓿作物残茬可以在田里保持3 4年,不同作物间作提供了足够的残茬覆盖。
  • The most environmentally benign form of agriculture appears to be “ no till ” farming , which involves little or no ploughing and relies on cover crops and carefully applied herbicides to control weeds
  • Description : cover crops for conservation agriculture , diversification and biodiversity : radish ( iapar variety ) , very effective for weed control , decompaction and good fodder ; lots of bees in the field
  • This voluntary code addresses issues such as reduced pesticide use , water and energy conservation , waste reduction and recycling , controlling of erosion , the use of “ good bugs ” in the vineyard to kill the “ bad bugs ” , creating and maintaining a habitat for raptors and other wildlife around the vineyards , planting cover crops such as mustard grass and clover to replenish the soil with nutrients , improved farm worker housing , and other measures for making high quality wines in a responsible manner
  • 英文解释
  • crop planted to prevent soil erosion and provide green manure

  • 百科解释
A cover crop is a crop planted primarily to manage soil fertility, soil quality, water, weeds, pests, diseases, biodiversity and wildlife in an agroecosystem (Lu et al. 2000), an ecological system managed and largely shaped by humans across a range of intensities to produce food, feed, or fiber.
  • 其他语种释义
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cover crop的中文翻译,cover crop是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译cover crop,cover crop的中文意思,cover crop的中文cover crop in Chinesecover crop的中文cover crop怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
